Drupal Camp LA 2008

Ok, so the camp has started.


The keynote addresses were very well done. I took notes on paper, and I will transcribe them in here later.

First Presentation: jQuery and Drupal by Victor Kane
He spent a lot of time on the background of everything, but so far, no meat.

Tools that he is using: Firefox, and Firebug.

What I am understanding is that jQuery is currently a part of the core of Drupal, and we can interact with it via the console in Firebug.

Drupal uses a naming convention to do a type of polymorphism.

node-quote.tpl.php - adds the javascript to the page that is needed for the page, and it also templates the quote.

His website is http://awebfactory.com.ar/, and he will have his example code up on his blog.

That's all folks.

Second Presentation: Dreamweaver & Drupal 6 - XTND.US (Chris Charlton)
Dreamweaver is one of Chris's loves for the web.
  • It's a good IDE much like Eclipse.
  • It's a great tool.
  • Designers using Photoshop use it.
  • It's used by lots of people.

You are always learning CSS. Don't hold yourself back, stop using notepads and start using environments.

Always create two additional folders in their sites/ folder. Modules and Themes

His presentation is very Dreamweaver specific, however he's going over certain principles that are expandable for all users.

Introduction to: Drupal 5 Themer Kit Pro extension for Dreamweaver which he will be selling to get money for the Drupal Association.

Write down everything - "naming conventions rule"

Third Presentation: Theming with Zen (Mike Stewart)
Zen Fixed Width
Negative Margins. Make sure all your elements don't bother eachother.
Fourth Presentation: Introductory Theming & Understanding the Template System - (Michael Thorne)
Fifth Presentation: Using CSS and JQuery to Manipulate Style and Markup: A Case Study of LAdrupal.org - (Helior Colorado)
Don't Modify, Override! Hacking the system breaks the community driven methodology of the project.

zen/subtheme/style.css and zen/subtheme/script.js are the default files that drupal looks for to override the more general objects and styles.

In order of importance in cascading style sheets:
  1. User !important flag will force an override of style
  2. Author !important
  3. Author styles
  4. User styles
  5. Browser styles
  1. Inline style=" "
  2. !important rule
  3. #id selector
  4. .class selector
  5. type selector
  6. * (universal) selector
Specificity Calculator - counter of how many times this is used (using an unspecified multiplyer. We are going to use multiples of 10 for an example)
  1. A(inline) X 1000
  2. B(id) X 100
  3. C(class) X 10
  4. D(type) x 1
  5. Position (last loaded) takes precidence if two have the same specificity
#main .block .nav li {
} = 121
#page #main .block li{
} = 211
  • item1
  • = 1000
    Case Study: ladrupal.org

    The website is owned by someone that can never be contacted.

    sets defaults first
    * {

    jQuery can be very helpful to modify the theme after the page is sent to the browser but before it is sent to the user.

    Add code to the script.js


    google search visual jQuery -> remisharp will help in understanding how the jQuery API works.

    Meet and Greet: acquia is a corporate sponsor of Drupal much like Redhat is a corporate sponsor of Linux.